Our attorneys have experience practicing in the United States, the United Kingdom and internationally, including in Europe, the Middle East, Latin America and Asia.
We help our clients manage complex negotiation by distilling legal and contractual issues into core business objectives. This facilitates focused negotiation on business principles, without losing sight of the legal niceties that can be used by other parties to a transaction to gain leverage.
We are generally capable of handling project development, finance, commercial, transactional and contractual matters of all types, including:
Financing Arrangements
- Construction and term financing
- Project, leveraged, structured, corporate and sovereign finance
- Secured transactions
- Credit support and guarantees
- Loan compliance, reporting and administration
- Debt and equity transactions
- Bridge financing
Offtake & Capacity Contracts
- Power purchase agreements
- Contracts for difference
- Water supply and sales agreements
- Tolling agreements
- LNG and natural gas capacity contracts
- Transmission arrangements
Joint Ventures
- Shareholders’ agreements
- Share purchase agreements
- Capital contribution arrangements
- Equity transfer arrangements
- Development and pre-development agreements
- Regulatory review of foreign control and ownership
- Management rights and organizational structures
- Equity funding arrangements
- Company formation
Construction Contracts
- EPC contracts
- Design-build contracts
- Construction contracts
- Subcontracting arrangements
- Construction management arrangements
- Claims management and settlement
- Warranty claims
- Construction insurances
O&M Arrangements
- Operation and maintenance contracts
- Long term maintenance and service agreements
- Warranty agreements
- Plant services contracts
- Major equipment replacement
- Operational support and secondment arrangements
- Gas and fuel supply agreements
- Fuel take-back arrangements
- Nuclear fuel supply agreements
- EUP supply and management contracts
- Fuel fabrication contracts
- Operational insurances
Real Estate
- Leases and easements
- Concessions
- Development rights agreements
- Land grants and sales
- Permitting and development entitlements
- Asset management contracts
- Asset purchase contracts